Experience is our name
Our camps are led by over 10 qualified instructors/trainers,PE, Primary and Secondary School teachers who arrange a lot of different forms of sports activities with elements of educational and practical workshops.
Our team is made of professional individuals that have a reliable approach to sport and teaching.
Each of us gives 100% of ourselves so that you and your child are satisfied.
All activities are led in the spirit of a healthy lifestyle. From the very beginning, our aim is to support the correct development of children in all its aspects: physical, mental, motor, and social.
We have developed our own camp programs that result in our daily work with each of you.
We improve our qualifications systematically by taking part in conferences and workshops related to our profession.
For kids and youth development

Our Camps have qualified coaches in all sports. They introduce your children to all activities and encourage them to try them out.
There are novelty activities to further practice newly learned skills. The aim of the camps is to let children have fun while learning new skills and experiencing new sports.
Leaders focus on each individual child and tailor the pace accordingly. The experienced staff operates to the highest standard of supervision and safety so that your child can enjoy a fun and safe week. Children can discover their hidden talents while having fun and making new friends.
Enjoy our camps!
iCamp Team

Jolanta Tulikowska-Sobinek

Tobiasz Sobinek

Michał Wojtas

Sylwester Michalski

Piotr Jachowicz

Angelina Boral

Niall White

Stuart Royle

Maria Wardak

Alejandro Lopez Garcia

José Manuel López García